Best Bloxstrap Fast Flags Settings




Roblox is a widely popular platform that allows users to create and play games. However, many players experience performance issues that can detract from their gaming experience. Bloxstrap is a tool designed to optimize Roblox performance by allowing players to tweak various settings, including fast flags. This guide will walk you through how to use Bloxstrap and provide the best fast flag settings to ensure you get the most out of your Roblox experience.

Understanding Bloxstrap Fast Flags

What is Bloxstrap?

Bloxstrap is a utility that provides advanced configuration options for Roblox. It enables users to optimize game performance, adjust graphical settings, and customize their gameplay experience. You can DOWNLOAD Bloxstrap from this link.

Key Features of Bloxstrap

  • Performance Tweaks: Adjust settings to improve game performance.
  • Graphical Enhancements: Customize visual elements for a better gaming experience.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use interface for configuring settings.

Setting Up Bloxstrap

Downloading and Installing Bloxstrap

  1. Download Bloxstrap: Visit this link to DOWNLOAD the latest version of Bloxstrap.
  2. Install the Program: Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Launching Bloxstrap

  1. Open Bloxstrap: Locate the installed program and double-click to open it.
  2. Initial Configuration: Follow the initial setup prompts to configure basic settings.

Optimizing Roblox with Fast Flag Settings

Understanding Fast Flags

Fast flags are internal settings in Roblox that control various aspects of the game’s performance and behavior. By adjusting these flags, you can significantly improve game responsiveness and visual quality.

Accessing Fast Flag Settings in Bloxstrap

  1. Open Settings Menu: In Bloxstrap, navigate to the settings menu.
  2. Locate Fast Flags: Find the section dedicated to fast flag settings.

Best Bloxstrap Fast Flags Settings

"FLogNetwork": "7",
"FFlagUseNewAnimationSystem": "False",
"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEventIngest": "True",
"FFlagTweenOptimizations": "True",
"DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistance": "0",
"FFlagDebugSkyGray": "True",
"DFFlagDebugPerfMode": "False",
"DFFlagBrowserTrackerIdTelemetryEnabled": "False",
"DFStringTelemetryV2Url": "null",
"FFlagFixGraphicsQuality": "True",
"FFlagEnableNewHeapSnapshots": "False",
"FFlagNewNetworking": "False",
"FFlagPreloadAllFonts": "False",
"FStringGamesUrlPath": "/games/",
"DFFlagDisableFastLogTelemetry": "True",
"FFlagNewLightAttenuation": "True",
"FFlagDebugGraphicsPreferD3D11": "True",
"FFlagEnableTerrainFoliageOptimizations": "True",
"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryPoint": "True",
"DFStringAltTelegrafHTTPTransportUrl": "null",
"FFlagEnableHumanoidLuaSideCaching": "False",
"DFFlagTextureQualityOverrideEnabled": "True",
"DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL34": "0",
"FFlagFastGPULightCulling3": "True",
"FFlagEnableNewInput": "True",
"FFlagCommitToGraphicsQualityFix": "True",
"FFlagAnimatePhysics": "False",
"FFlagSimIslandizerManager": "false",
"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEphemeralCounter": "True",
"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Stat": "True",
"FFlagUseUnifiedRenderStepped": "False",
"FFlagUseParticlesV2": "False",
"DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL12": "0",
"FFlagTaskSchedulerLimitTargetFpsTo2402": "False",
"FFlagUseDeferredContext": "False",
"FFlagOptimizeEmotes": "False",
"DFStringLightstepToken": "null",
"FFlagFixScalingModelRendering": "False",
"DFIntNewRunningBaseAltitudeD": "45",
"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Counter": "True",
"DFIntClientLightingTechnologyChangedTelemetryHundredthsPercent": "0",
"FFlagUseDynamicSun": "False",
"DFFlagDebugPauseVoxelizer": "True",
"DFStringTelegrafHTTPTransportUrl": "null",
"DFStringRobloxAnalyticsURL": "null",
"DFIntLightstepHTTPTransportHundredthsPercent2": "0",
"DFStringLightstepHTTPTransportUrlHost": "null",
"DFStringCrashUploadToBacktraceWindowsPlayerToken": "null",
"FFlagEnableTerrainOptimizations": "True",
"DFFlagDisableDPIScale": "True",
"FFlagLuaAppSystemBar": "False",
"FFlagFixMeshPartScaling": "False",
"DFStringCrashUploadToBacktraceBaseUrl": "null",
"DFStringCrashUploadToBacktraceMacPlayerToken": "null",
"DFIntS2PhysicsSenderRate": "250",
"DFIntTaskSchedulerTargetFps": "999999",
"FFlagEnableLightAttachToPart": "False",
"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryEphemeralStat": "True",
"FFlagDebugDisableTelemetryV2Event": "True",
"FFlagAdServiceEnabled": "False",
"DFIntCSGLevelOfDetailSwitchingDistanceL23": "0",
"DFStringHttpPointsReporterUrl": "null",
"FIntRenderShadowIntensity": "0",
"FFlagDebugCrashReports": "False",
"FStringCoreScriptBacktraceErrorUploadToken": "null",
"FFlagDebugDisplayFPS": "False",
"DFFlagEnableLightstepReporting2": "False",
"DFStringAltHttpPointsReporterUrl": "null",
"DFStringLightstepHTTPTransportUrlPath": "null",
"DFIntRenderingThrottleDelayInMS": "1",
"DFIntRunningBaseOrientationP": "115",
"FFlagHandleAltEnterFullscreenManually": "False",
"DFFlagDebugRenderForceTechnologyVoxel": "True",
"DFFlagBaseNetworkMetrics": "False",
"FFlagDisablePostFx": "True",
"FIntTerrainArraySliceSize": "0",
"FIntDebugForceMSAASamples": "1"

Best Bloxstrap Fast Flags For PING

"FIntRakNetResendBufferArrayLength": "128",
"FFlagOptimizeNetwork": "True",
"FFlagOptimizeNetworkRouting": "True",
"FFlagOptimizeNetworkTransport": "True",
"FFlagOptimizeServerTickRate": "True",
"DFIntServerPhysicsUpdateRate": "60",
"DFIntServerTickRate": "60",
"DFIntConnectionMTUSize": 900,
"DFIntRakNetResendRttMultiple": "1",
"DFIntRaknetBandwidthPingSendEveryXSeconds": "1",
"DFIntOptimizePingThreshold": "50",
"DFIntPlayerNetworkUpdateQueueSize": "20",
"DFIntPlayerNetworkUpdateRate": "60",
"DFIntNetworkPrediction": "120",
"DFIntNetworkLatencyTolerance": "1",
"DFIntMinimalNetworkPrediction": "0.1"

Ping Commands



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Implementing the Settings

Applying Fast Flag Settings

  1. Modify Values: Adjust the fast flag settings to the recommended values.
  2. Save Changes: Ensure you save the changes to apply them to your game.

Restarting Roblox

  1. Close and Reopen: Close Roblox if it’s currently running and reopen it to apply the new settings.
  2. Test Performance: Play a game to test the performance improvements.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Common Issues and Fixes

  1. Game Crashes: Ensure all settings are correctly applied and try lowering some settings if crashes occur.
  2. Visual Glitches: Reset the graphical settings to default and reapply fast flag settings one by one.

Tips for Maintaining Performance

  1. Regular Updates: Keep Bloxstrap updated to benefit from the latest performance enhancements.
  2. Monitor Changes: Periodically review and adjust settings based on new updates and personal preferences.


What is Bloxstrap?

  • Bloxstrap is a utility that allows users to optimize Roblox performance by tweaking various settings, including fast flags.

How do I install Bloxstrap?

  • Download Bloxstrap from the provided link, run the installer, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

What are fast flags in Roblox?

  • Fast flags are internal settings in Roblox that control various aspects of game performance and behavior, which can be adjusted for optimization.

How can I access fast flag settings in Bloxstrap?

  • Navigate to the settings menu in Bloxstrap and locate the section dedicated to fast-flag settings.

What are the best fast flag settings for Roblox?

  • Refer to the provided section in this guide for the recommended fast flag settings.

How do I apply fast flag settings in Bloxstrap?

  • Modify the fast flag values in Bloxstrap’s settings menu, save changes, and restart Roblox to apply the new settings.


Optimizing your Roblox experience with Bloxstrap and the best fast flag settings can dramatically enhance game performance and responsiveness. By following this guide, you’ll enjoy smoother gameplay and better visual quality. Download Bloxstrap today and start customizing your Roblox experience for the best performance.