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Roblox FPS Unlocker – Full Download (Easy)

This guide will show you exactly how to get an FPS unlocker in Roblox with everything, including the download! (scroll down for the full video!)

Roblox FPS Unlocker Code
(Do not select the Microsoft version of Roblox if you have it downloaded.)

Full-Length Video

Old Method

To download this, go to the GitHub link below and download the newest version.

Full-Length Video On Old Method!

What is a Roblox FPS Unlocker?

A Roblox FPS Unlocker is a tool that removes the frame rate limit in the Roblox game, allowing it to run at higher frame rates than the default 60 frames per second.

This can lead to smoother gameplay and improved performance on high-refresh-rate monitors.

The unlocker works by modifying the game’s settings to lift the cap on the frames per second, providing a better visual experience for players with capable hardware.

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